Thursday 29 April 2010

Magazine Front Cover Design 3

This idea involves only one main image on the front cover to ensure the audiences focus maintains on the main model. The main image would be a long shot which is unconventional as most magazines consist of a close up or medium shot to catch the buyers eye contact. However i feel i could challenge the conventions of a typical media product to catch the readers attention in the way that this magazine would look different.This adds an edgy aspect to the front cover creating a unique look and therefore a more appealing front cover, On this page the barcode would be placed in the bottom right hand corner of the page as it is away from where all the images and pugs are and is therefore somewhat disguised. There would be a pug on the page to advertise and create a more appealing front cover. It would also make the front cover look realistic as the majority of existing music magazines consist of a pug. As for this design, i have used a strap line to go at the top of the page, which would be used to consist of acts or stories that would occur in the magazine to give the buyers a taste of what is in the magazine and therefore enforce them to buy it to read more.

Front Cover Design Idea 2

This front cover is similar to the q magazine front cover which i analysed yet with a few of my own ideas. The close up of the main image created direct contact between the model and reader establishing a relationship with the buyer. The masthead would be situated behind the model to connote the models importance to the magazine, in affect this would give the reader a taste of the content in the magazine by showing the models importance, this masthead positioning also suggests that the magazine is well known and popular as the it is easily recognized by the buyers with something covering part of it. The strapline is a typical convention of a music magazine and would therefore be effective in enticing the reader to want to read the magazine. Text would be situated around the image consisting of tag lines which would make the reader to want to read the magazine, in addition to a pug which would consist of an advertisement to create a more appealing front cover. Over the main image there would be text anchoring the picture as seen on the front cover of the Q magazine and in the bottom hand corner of the page the barcode would be situated to make it look unnoticeable to the buyers.

Magazine Front Cover Design

This is my first initial idea for the design of the front cover. The masthead would be situated o the left hand side of the page presenting an edgy and unique look to the magazine as this is not typical of magazine covers. There would be a strapline at the top of the page saying something like 'the UK's biggest selling magazine' to compel the reader to think the magazine must be good as it is high selling. The main image would be a medium shot, allowing the model to make clear eye contact with the reader in order to establish a relationship straight away. A pug would be situated to advertise an interest aspect of the magazine such as a quiz or money prize and secondary images would be scattered around the page to present a messy look and therefore appeal to an indie/rock audience. Text would be situated the side of the model where there is empty space making the page look busy and compact and suggest to the reader that alot is in the magazine. However with images scattered around this may look to messy and therefore not appeal to my mature target audience.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Inital Ideas For Images

On the Cover
-As seen on the magazine cover of Q that i analyzed previously, a close up face shot is my first idea for the image on the cover. I feel it is effective in capturing the attention of a buyer as the close up and fixed eye sight compels the reader to look at the magazine as it feel as if the model is looking at them.

-Medium Close up to expose more of the persons body, this allows more attitude and personality to be portrayed within the model/models.

-Long Shot allows the buyers to see clearly the model and their body. Like a medium close up shot it also allows more personality to be portrayed into the front cover, props can also be used in this sort of shot.

On the Contents
-On the contents i would use a different image on the main model on my front cover as from my research i saw that that was a typical convention of a music magazine.

-I will probably use a close up of the model/models if not already on the front page, as this would suggest a closer more intimate relationship between the magazine and the reader.

-I will also use secondary photos as on all music magazines i analyzed  there was obviously other stories and other artists images. 

In The Double Page Spread
-For the Double Page Spread i will use a variety of different images, some that link back to the contents and front cover and some new ones, to give the reader a variety.

Initial Ideas For Fonts

In order to construct a cover of a rock music magazine it is necessary to make it stand out from the other competition. I analyzed four different fonts in order to finalize which one would be used for my masthead a very important aspect to the cover.

Font 1

This font is saltpeter n fungus, and is good for my magazine as it looks messy and wrecked, the stereotypical theme reflecting a rock music fan. The actually lettering is all different types of font and sizes, making it look messy and all over the place. This is good for a rock music magazine however this may attract a younger audience of teens as oppose to my target audience of 20 years who may prefer something more neat, making the magazine appear more

Font 2

This font is very effective for my rock magazine as it the text looks damaged and ruined, much to the likeness of rock music fans. It is a unique font and therefore effective for ensuring the magazine stands out against other competition. The damaged and harsh sound of the rock music really is reflected in this font and therefore really captures the rock essence, allowing the buyer to associate this font with a rock music magazine immediately.

Font 3

This font is quite similar to the others in the respect that it looks chiseled, reflecting the image of stereotypical rock music fans. As a result this is good as it will therefore attract my target audience of rock music fans. This font in relation to my other ideas is relatively neat and precise appearing more bluntly and presenting an edgy side with attitude. Also a neater font like this would be more appealing to my target audience as they would prefer something neater as oppose to a messy font which would be most preferred by a younger teen audience. Further more, the writing is quite compact and therefore would be easily fitted on my pages.

Font 3

The capital lettering allows the font to appear very bold and therefore would ensure the magazine stood out on the shelf. It is easily identified as a rock genre due to the chiseled and ruined look and is very bold making a statement and would result in an effective front cover. Following on the lettering is all of the same size and looks very neat and would appeal to my target audience as they are more mature and would prefer this look as oppose to a messy look.

Initial Ideas For Magazine Colour Scheme

After anlysing several different music magazines it is evident different colour schemes are used on each magazine. In particular rock magazines like the ones i analysed consist mainly of the colours black and red and then a colour of contrast for a more appealing colour scheme.\. Therefore my initial ideas for colour schemes are 


-This colour scheme follows the typical rock colour scheme and therefore is suitable for my magazine, the yellow adds some contrast and excitement. However this may look too much due to the clash of colours and therefore may appeal to a teen audience as oppose to my target audience of around 20-30. This is similar to the NME magazine which again is aimed at a younger audience of teenagers and therefore may not be suitable for my magazine.


-This colour scheme is similar to the one used on Q which works very well to attract a more mature audience, and therefore is suitable for my magazine. The colours all compliment eachother and are all typical rock colours. With the black presenting a dark edgy mood, the red sexy and passion and the white which brightens the page. 


- This colour scheme is different as the blue is strong contrast to the red. It would create an edgy unique look to my magazine but still keeping with the rock them as it has the conventional black and red colours. 

- This colour scheme would be suitable for my target audience as it is quite suttle and not too hectic and bright. However my target audience are still of a young age and this may be slightly boring for them. 

Initial Ideas For Magazine Title

HeadBanger- When thinking about rock music the first thing that comes into my head is the loud instruments played within rock music, and the stereo typical movement of 'head-banging' therefore i think this is a good idea for the title of the magazine as it is clear just within the title the magazine is going to be exciting and appeal to a rock audience, and also adds an element of humour to the magazine.

M.E.T (music entertainment today) - This is influenced from the rock/indie magazine 'NME' which stands for new musical express. I think the bluntness of the name really portrays a rebellious title with attitude, perfect for the magazine i am planning to produce. M.E.T. ALso it stands for music entertainment today, connoting to the reader that this magazines consists of the newest music, appealing to an audience.

RUSH! - This idea is good for a rock magazine as rock music creates this sort or rush. Also a rush is associated with drugs or something dangerous and rebellious, perfect for a rock magazine as the target audience stereotypical would have been in a situation like that. However this title creates a sense of panic which may not be what my target audience of 20-30 would want to think of, a younger teen audience probably would.

ROCK N ROLL - This was my final idea, it vividly portrays the magazine as a rock genre and is good as my target audience of slightly older will relate to this title. However i feel it is too conventional of the rock genre and therefore would limit the magazine's chances of standing out. It also is so stereo typical that the target audience may find somewhat boring.

Initial Story Ideas For Magazine

Like the rock music magazines i analyzed i want my main story to obtain a strong element of attitude much like Lilly Allen's feature in NME magazine, as i feel the rock music fans can relate to this as the stereo typical rock music fan has attitude and a rebellious side. I also would like a dark element to be portrayed within the story, again in order to attract my target audience.

Story Idea 1 - Rock Band Back From The Wild?
This would involve a rock band at the peak of their career who have been hooked on drugs and gone through a wild patch yet are now back on track and making a comeback. This contains elements of rebellion as well as attitude as they are coming back with confidence and therefore should appeal to my target audience.

Story Idea 2 - Good Girl Gone Bad
This would consist of a pop singer who after being controlled in her career to do music she didn't want to has had enough. She rebels against everything and has transformed her usual pop girly music to a dark edgy sound as well as her look to dark make up and dark clothing. This also consists elements of rebellion, whilst also attracting a wide audience as pop fans may want to read the edition to see how this successful artist has transformed into a rock goddess.

Story Idea 3 - Broken Rock Band Reveal All
This story would involve a rock band who have split up due to arguing and fighting and stealing of money. This should effectively attract my target audience as it would be a rock band so music their interested in, and elements of violence a subject the stereotypical rock fan would like.

Story Idea 4 - Exclusive Interview With the Number 1 Rock-band
-This story would involve an exclusive interview with a rock-band who are number one and are at the top of their career. It is a more happy story which doesn't really suit the conventions of a typical dark rock story. However being unconventional of a typical indie/rock music magazine would allow my product to appear more interesting to the consumer. 

I also need to brainstorm ideas to go on the front cover and contents
-Top 100 Rock Anthems
-Rock band comeback interview
-New Freshest Rock Songs
-Rock Band Dropped
-Rock artist duets revealed

Inital Ideas For Magazine

After analyzing several music magazines, i have decided to produce a rock music magazine. I am targeting my magazine at an audience of ages around 20-25 so therefore ideas for my magazine include making it look young yet not too messy and young for teenagers. It will also need to be slightly more sophisticated with a glossy look to maintain the attraction of my target age group.

Uses and Gratifications Theory

Uses and gratifications theory is a popular approach to understanding mass communication. This theory consists of placing more focus on the consumer or audience, instead of the actually message itself by asking what people do with media instead of what media does to people. It assumes that the consumers have an active role in interpreting and integrating media in their own lives. The theory also holds that audiences are responsible for choosing media to meet their needs, for example if the audience like rock magazines, they would clearly choose a magazine produced that obtained colours, fonts, images and models to attract rock fans as it would be the right magazine for them. This approach suggests that people use the media to fulfill specific gratifications. This theory would then imply that the media compete against other information sources.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Audience Demogrpahics

In order to produce a successful media product, it is essential to understand the audience demographic of the media outlet to determine success as oppose to failure. To determine the audience Demographics it is necessary to assess several socio-economic factors such as level of income, the area in which they live in, age, gender, occupation and many more. They are very important as they allow the industries producing the media to ensure there product will obtain the attention and appeal of there chosen target market. It is an essential as by gaining a better insight into the target audiences wants and likes will ensure they target there product at the right audience in order to ensure its a success.

Monday 26 April 2010

Maslow's Hierachy Of Need

Maslow's Hierachy of need is a psychological theory proposed by Abraham Maslow. He believed it showed what people wanted from their job. He thought everyone starts at the bottom and works their way to the top. The basic human needs such as food and shelter are represented at the bottom and works their way up to the top. The basic human needs such as food and shelter are represented at the bottom of the pyramid and the higher you go, the more luxury items. This theory can be applied to aspects of marketing in that marketers have historically looked towards customers in order to define the needs and wants of them. With the needs placed at the bottom of the pyramid and the more luxurious items place at the top, this can therefore relate to a media aspect in that media products such as the one i am producing will be placed at the top of the pyramid as it is not an essential in life, but a luxury.