The colours used follows the same colour scheme adapted from the front page, with the use of mainly red black and white, typical rock genre colours. The red is used as background for the establishing heading 'contents' which is printed in black font, to allow the reader to immediatly be aware they are looking at the contents page. Red is always used for the Q masthead, therfore as regular readers look at the contents it will unconciously trigger in their head that the colour red is associated with Q. Throughout the contents, red white and black are used in reverse of eachother, to maintain the artistic fashionable look to the magazine. White is used for the background of this contents page, to maintain the attraction of the mature target audience, the white also allows the contents to look clear in order to make it easy for readers to quickly navigate there way around the magazine.
This contents page is unconventional of a typical magazine, as the contents page is spread over two pages. This in affect connotes to the reader that a large amount of stories and feautures are going to be inlcuded in the magazine, proving the readers have made a purchase worthwhile. There is a bar at the top of the page consisting of the heading contents, to again make it clear to the reader this is the contents page, and the issue number reinforcing the fact the magazine has been going on for a while, showing the readers its success. The writing on the page is structured neatly around the images to represent a professional look to the reader, as the target audience for this magazine is slightly higher class then the target audience of magazine such as NME and KERRANG!. Also, images of what are included in the magazine are scattered around the page to make it look more interesting as oppose to a page that is full of writing, the page numbers are situated in bold over the images so the reader can immediately see where the stories are. The image of the magazine front cover is placed at the top of the page, an effective way of allowing the reader to continuously associate themselves with what issue of the magazine they are reading.
There are several images on the contents page, to make it look more fun and eye catching. The largest image is of Cheryl Cole, the main feature of the magazine who was also the main image on the front page, yet it is a different photo to make it more interesting. She is posing in a sexy manor, to reinforce the attraction of a male audience. She is dressed in ripped wet look leggings, very high fashion at the current time, yet also a good way to reinforce the rock genre of the magazine. By wearing fashionable items it is very appealing to all types of people again, and also a major attraction for young women who like seeing the latest fashions. The photo of Cheryl Cole is in black and white to establish it from the others, emphasizing to the reader that Cheryl Cole is the main feature of this issue. In order to reduce the amount of writing on the page, they have used images to present the stories as oppose to writing, this is an effective thing to do as it allows the contents to look more eye catching and appealing to the reader. Other images on the page consist of rock bands in action, emphasizing the rock genre of the magazine, yet there are also pictures of older artist such as Dean Martin which appeals to a more mature target audience.
How are the words used on the page?
The heading contents stands out clearly as it is printed in a clear font and is the only text on the red block at the top of the page. The issue number is the only other writing on the red bit at the top to emphasize to the reader that the magazine has been around for a long while connoting its success and professional qualities.
Overall Impression
The contents page follows the same colour scheme as the front page providing a professional feel to the magazine. Famous artists from past decades are used to attract the more mature audience who Q are generally aiming their magazine at. The use of photos scattered around provides the page with fun making it more appealing to look at as their is quite a fair bit of text on the page, and if there was too much the reader may think the magazine is boring. The main image of Cheryl Cole is used again, a typical convention of magazines so her importance is reinforced. The masthead is printed again at the top of the page, a typical convention again as it provides continuity to the magazine.
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