Thursday, 18 March 2010

Analysis Of NME Double Page Spread

This is a double page spread from an issue of NME magazine.

The colours used on this double page spread are very bland yet consist of the typical rock genre colours of black red and white, sticking to the theme of the magazine and the front page colour scheme. A white background is used in order to make the pull quote that Lilly allen is saying stand out and entice readers to read the interview. Also it allows the small writing at the bottom to be easily read by readers, as oppose to a bright multi coloured background which would be unpleasant to the eye. Red writing is used for her name in order to make it stand out so people who are fans will be interested.

The layout of the double page spread consists of the main image being situated on the right hand side. The main quote of the page is printed in bold writing which fills the majority of the left hand side showing its importance to the article featuring Lilly Allen. The main quote heading is edited to give the idea that it has been cut out from a page and stuck back down like a collage presentation, this is effective as it would be attractive to a young target audience. The text is positioned around the image to create a more aesthetically pleasing page to the readers. 

The only image on the page is of Lilly Allen. It takes up the whole left hand side of the page to emphasis her importance to the magazine. Her pose is very casual with her hands on her hips to connote that the interview is casual, it also appeals to their target audience of young teens as they would rather that then a cheesy pose. Her wrists are facing outwards in order to show the reader her tattoo to reinforce that edgy indie rock magazine look. She is dressed in a bright red checkered shirt, a fashionable item of clothing at the moment to make the magazine look fresh and in fashion, it also stands out from everything on the page and adds some colour and excitement to the dully colour page, without withdrawing the readers attention form the text. Her facial make up is quite suttle, yet her dark eyes stand out to again give her that indie/rock look that the magazine is going for. It also gives her an image  of attitude which corresponds with the pull quote from the text 'people think I'm an attention seeker but I'm just honest'.

Words used on double page spread
The text is separated into four identical columns separated by gutters so the text is clear and easy to read. A pull quote from teh text is used as a title and headline for the double page spread. This is effective as at a quick glance it informs the reader a bit about the content of the interview and they can quickly see if it will be of any interest to them. The name of the magazine is in the house style font and colour as it always is whilst the date is in a smaller font and is in italic. This helps to create a house style which is the magazine's design that distinguishes it from the other music magazines.

Overall Impression 
The overall double page spread is effective as it allows the readers attention to stay on the text. It also at a quick glance shows that the double page spread is about Lilly Allen. It attracts its target audience through the use of rebellious make up and tattoos on show, and also representing an attitude from teh picture and pull quote to appeal to young teens (the target audience). The page presents an edgy look and therefore looks good in a magazine like NME. 

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