Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Analysis Of Q Double Page Spread

This is a double page spread from an issue of Q magazine.

The colours used on this double page spread are the same as what is used for the front cover a typical convention of a double page spread. The background is plain white so the readers attention maintains on the focus of the text, and so it is not a struggle to be read. The red is used to highlight the pull quote from the text, a typical convention of a double page feature, this helps the reader to gain an insight of certain aspects discussed in the interview. Dark colours are used for Cheryl Cole's clothing and the image at the bottom of the page to add the the dark rock aspect to the magazine, and also to add the black colour to match with the colour scheme from the front page and contents page of this edition of Q.

The main image of Cheryl Cole takes up the whole space of the right page, so the double page spread is quite spaced out with not too much going on to ensure the readers attention is not focused elsewhere. The writing is positioned in equal columns typically like a double page spread interview feature, the writing does not lap over the images and is positioned around the images to appeal to the more mature target audience Q is aimed at, so it is clear and precise where the writing is on the page. The first letter of the writing is projected as a large red c in the background to make the page look more exciting and unique style due to the rock essence of the magazine.

The main image is of Cheryl Cole on the right side of the double page spread, a different image to the ones that are used on the front page and contents page, similar to the usual double page spreads i have seen, however all images are of the same theme, dark and edgy. She is posing with a serious expression on her face to emphasizes the rock attitude the magazine are trying to portray. She is dressed in a spiked black top and ripped leggings in order to construct a rebellious image, suitable for the magazine and also the clothing is somewhat fashionable in the current market and therefore is appealing to young girls who will look up to these pictures of Cheryl Cole. Yet the ripped rebellious look is also maintain the attention of males also due to the sexy pose and clothing. The other image is following the theme of the front page, a theme adapted from the film Sin city. In this image she is wearing a top hat which casts a shadow over one side of her face, this cleverly anchors the pull quote 'i don't know what i look like anymore'.

Words used on cover
The first things the readers eyes are drawn to is the large red C which clearly stands for Cheryl which readers will be able to recognize on the left hand side of the page. This adds a colourful eye catching element to the plain white page which consists of mostly writing making it appear more appealing to read. There is another stand out C in black clearly showing this stands for her surname, as her surname is printed in a less dominant colour and size, it shows how her first name is more important, she is famous in her own way not just for being the wife of Ashley Cole. Her name at the top of the page conflicts this idea, Cheryl is printed in italic showing the feminine side to her, yet Cole is printed in capitals, showing this harsh serious side to her, revealed in this double page spread interview. A pull quote is used like most double page spreads, and is effective as it allows the reader to gain an incite to what the interview is based on. By the pull quote saying ' i don't know what i look like anymore' will appeal to the rock fans who also due to there rock fashion may relate to this comment.

A personal relationship is formed between the magazine and the reader through the use of rhetorical questions evident in the quote 'do you know what i mean' allowing them to feel more involved. Language used is slightly more sophisticated then every day language, yet this magazine is generally targeting a more mature audience and therefore it is suitable. There is a large amount of text clearly targeting an older audience, as oppose to a young one who would prefer more pictures. Further more humour is added to the interview for example 'Best looking 'Slash' kissogram ever steps out.' This allows the seriousness and dark aspect of the interview to break up and be more pleasing to read.

Overall Impression
The overall double page spread effectively appeals to its target audience of a more mature audience through the use of a large amount of text, and sophisticated language. The pages are eye catching through the use of bright reds and the large pictures of Cheryl Cole against a white background compelling the reader to stop and read this page. A pull quote is used like most interview features, in oreder to entice the reader to read on. Also through the use of simplicity a more sophisticated classy double page spread is produced, yet this is not as appealing for a younger audience who would probably prefer to see less writing and more images.

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