Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Inital Ideas For Images

On the Cover
-As seen on the magazine cover of Q that i analyzed previously, a close up face shot is my first idea for the image on the cover. I feel it is effective in capturing the attention of a buyer as the close up and fixed eye sight compels the reader to look at the magazine as it feel as if the model is looking at them.

-Medium Close up to expose more of the persons body, this allows more attitude and personality to be portrayed within the model/models.

-Long Shot allows the buyers to see clearly the model and their body. Like a medium close up shot it also allows more personality to be portrayed into the front cover, props can also be used in this sort of shot.

On the Contents
-On the contents i would use a different image on the main model on my front cover as from my research i saw that that was a typical convention of a music magazine.

-I will probably use a close up of the model/models if not already on the front page, as this would suggest a closer more intimate relationship between the magazine and the reader.

-I will also use secondary photos as on all music magazines i analyzed  there was obviously other stories and other artists images. 

In The Double Page Spread
-For the Double Page Spread i will use a variety of different images, some that link back to the contents and front cover and some new ones, to give the reader a variety.

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