Monday, 26 April 2010

Maslow's Hierachy Of Need

Maslow's Hierachy of need is a psychological theory proposed by Abraham Maslow. He believed it showed what people wanted from their job. He thought everyone starts at the bottom and works their way to the top. The basic human needs such as food and shelter are represented at the bottom and works their way up to the top. The basic human needs such as food and shelter are represented at the bottom of the pyramid and the higher you go, the more luxury items. This theory can be applied to aspects of marketing in that marketers have historically looked towards customers in order to define the needs and wants of them. With the needs placed at the bottom of the pyramid and the more luxurious items place at the top, this can therefore relate to a media aspect in that media products such as the one i am producing will be placed at the top of the pyramid as it is not an essential in life, but a luxury.

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