Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Initial Story Ideas For Magazine

Like the rock music magazines i analyzed i want my main story to obtain a strong element of attitude much like Lilly Allen's feature in NME magazine, as i feel the rock music fans can relate to this as the stereo typical rock music fan has attitude and a rebellious side. I also would like a dark element to be portrayed within the story, again in order to attract my target audience.

Story Idea 1 - Rock Band Back From The Wild?
This would involve a rock band at the peak of their career who have been hooked on drugs and gone through a wild patch yet are now back on track and making a comeback. This contains elements of rebellion as well as attitude as they are coming back with confidence and therefore should appeal to my target audience.

Story Idea 2 - Good Girl Gone Bad
This would consist of a pop singer who after being controlled in her career to do music she didn't want to has had enough. She rebels against everything and has transformed her usual pop girly music to a dark edgy sound as well as her look to dark make up and dark clothing. This also consists elements of rebellion, whilst also attracting a wide audience as pop fans may want to read the edition to see how this successful artist has transformed into a rock goddess.

Story Idea 3 - Broken Rock Band Reveal All
This story would involve a rock band who have split up due to arguing and fighting and stealing of money. This should effectively attract my target audience as it would be a rock band so music their interested in, and elements of violence a subject the stereotypical rock fan would like.

Story Idea 4 - Exclusive Interview With the Number 1 Rock-band
-This story would involve an exclusive interview with a rock-band who are number one and are at the top of their career. It is a more happy story which doesn't really suit the conventions of a typical dark rock story. However being unconventional of a typical indie/rock music magazine would allow my product to appear more interesting to the consumer. 

I also need to brainstorm ideas to go on the front cover and contents
-Top 100 Rock Anthems
-Rock band comeback interview
-New Freshest Rock Songs
-Rock Band Dropped
-Rock artist duets revealed

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