Saturday 8 May 2010

Analysis Of Photos 2: Location 2

For this location i wanted to use a somewhat 'dirty' background like my photo inspirations, as i really emphasises the rock feel to the image. For this photoshoot i enhanced the rock image of my model by adding red lipstick to add a sex appeal. I also changed her outfit to studded leggings and a studded leather jacket which really portrays an indie/rock theme. I also changed her hair slightly and added a bow to make a clear difference between the different looks to create versatility so my consumer does not get bored.

I really like this image as the background and outfit create a really rock themed image. Also the props reinforce the talents of this artist highlighting the fact she is a singer. No eye contact is connected with the reader from the image but this isn't necessarily important for this image as i would not use it on my contents or front cover and would therefore be a good image to use on my double spread. The models hair is in perfect condition her so portrays the pop side to her, which in the story she used to be a pop singer, yet her make-up and clothes represent the new side to her so therefore i feel this would go nicely in the double page spread.
I love this image of the model as i think her pose reveals sexiness and attitude typical of an indie/rock music fan. This would appeal to both men and women, men as they would think the model looks sexy and women as they would aspire to look like this. I also like the way her shoes are clearly on show adding that crazy unique element which indie/rock fans will like as they generally aspire to stand out from the crowd. However a major fault to this image would be that the background does not provide the mise en scene i wanted. The key element to this location was the dirty fence yet this is hardly in the image, the background consists of the side to a house making the picture look unprofessional and cheap, therefore if i was going to use this image i would need to cut the background out using photoshop.
I like his image as i like the models pose, i feel it is bursting with attitude. Also the outfit is clearly on show to help enforce that indie rock theme and to show its fashionable aspect . As part of the models belly is on show, it connotes confidence within the model making the image appear sexy. However again the background ruins the photo as it takes to much attention away from the model and on the background as there are too many things in sight, such as the sky, the gravel and the corner of the bin, again making this picture appear unprofessional.
This is my favourite image of these photos as i feel the model looks stunning and therefore captivates the readers attention. The lighting from the sun makes the models face look bright and therefore the first thing the consumer will notice. Her positioning is quirky with one leg positioned against iron bars, effective as an indie/rock music fan will prefer to see something out of the norm as oppose to an image that is boring. Also the bold statement shoes are on show creating a quirky aspect to image will catch the consumers attention if looking at/through a magazine. Due to the size of this image it would be more suitable on a double page spread yet there would be space issues concerning where to position the text. The mise en scene for this photo is great as it presents that dirty image inspired from my photo inspirations, yet also an element of rebellion through the iron bars.

This was another one of my favourite images as again the lighting from the sun makes the model look perfect. Her perfect complexion is emphasised due to the light making her appear perfect which is not particularly what an indie/rock audience would want to see as they like to look imperfect, yet this aspect of the photo draws attention from the consumer to her pretty features. I like the pose as again it presents attitude which a indie/rock music fan will stereotypically relate to and the background is effective in making her look like she is in a dirty place, which again is inspired from my photo inspirations which the majority of them look as if there photo shoot has been taken in a dirty environment, adding to that dark, rebellious theme.

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