Monday 10 May 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The process of constructing my three media products included learning new technologies such as working with a new more advanced camera, learning thoroughly how photoshop worked and learning how to use a new programme called blogspot in which my coursework was uploaded.
Getting used to the more advanced camera a Cannon EOS 450D took a lot of patience and time to get used too as i had only had previous experience with a hand held digital camera. As i was taking large amounts of photos outside the lighting was good from the sun on the models face and i was therefore achieving the look i was going for. However when taking photos of my model inside the lighting was not bright enough for how i wanted it, and i found it very difficult to put the flash on the camera as the setti
ngs were extremely different to my usual camera. Yet i overcome this by testing out several different settings which lead to me learning different wasy in which to enhance the camera photography.
As i was previously a media student for GCSE i had experience with the mac software and therefore didn't necessarily have a problem with this. However despite using adobe photoshop last year i felt like i was still new to the software when constructing my preliminary task as it had been a while since i had used it. This was essential practise though in order to create a successful final prodcut. When using photoshop i found using the magnetic lasso tool very difficult to use as it required a very steady hand and also a relatively block coloured background in order to cut smoothe edges so the image looks professional. Therefore i found myself repeating the process until i was satisfied with the cut out i got, this was particularly annoying on my actual media product construction when trying to overlap
the models head over the masthead and quote from Blink 182. To do so it meant having to cut around the model, copy the image and then match it up perfectly with the image below. Then after doing so it was essential that the edges were neatened with the eraser tool. This was relatively easy to use and i new about it from GCSE so that was quite straightforward. However i gained an insight to other tools i was unaware off which really helped to make my product look professional for example the dodge tool which allowed light to be added to specific places in which it was needed to give that airbrushed feel. I also became aware of the burning tool which added dark lighting to places in need of it, this again reinforced the professional feel to my product. I also frequently used the eye dropper tool which enabled me to pick a colour up from another place and use it on something to help me maintain the perfect colour scheme throughout my production. I also was able to duplicate layers which helped create a professional look to my double page spread as it ensured all text columns were the same size. A fault with photoshop included the fact that unfortunately on several occasions for myself if i was working from my memory stick the programme would crash causing me to loose my work. To overcome this problem i just dragged my work from my memory stick to the desktop in order for it to be saved properly.

Finally, i also learned how to use an online blogging website called This enabled an easy way to post all my coursework on the blog and was very easy to learn
and adapt to how it works. It is a much easier way to show coursework as it saves a lot of time in trying to make a folder look nice. It also allows help to be provided by teachers easily as they can access this easily from there own computers. Likewise, i can add to my coursework anywhere where there is a computer with internet, saving the trouble of having to carry a folder everywhere. Further more, it also allowed me to create things such as a poll on my blog, which after also constructing a questionnaire made me realise it is a much efficient and easier way of receiving feedback from my target audience.

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