Tuesday 4 May 2010

Finalised Ideas

After receiving feedback from my questionnaire and analyzing each initial idea, it helped me to finalize my ideas in order to produce the best possible magazine.

Main Story For Magazine
I found it hard deciding the main story to involve in my magazine therfore i asked which story people thoguht would be best for my magazine in the poll and in my questionnaire in which i gave out to my target audience. The most preffered story was 'Good Girl Gone Bad' and therfore i will use this as my main story, as a result i will need to get a model who suits the image of the style. This story will involve a pop singer who has been controlled by her record lable to look like that yet as she is getting older she wants to establish her own personality and true self through her true love for rock music. This story is good for my indie/rock genre magazine as it has a dark element in that a singer has gone 'bad' yet it is happy and a feel good article as it will inspire rock fans who also feel the desire to dress eccentric but maybe don't have the confidence, this will inspire them to be there trueselves.

Magazine Title
As the majority of people voted for there favourite magazine title as 'M.E.T (music entertainment today)' i will use this for my title. It is similar to the very popular masthead of NME and therefore should be effective to my indie/rock target audience. I feel this would work well with my magazine as it is blunt and short, and therefore would stand out without dominating the page. Also the fact it stands for music entertainment today suggest the idea that the music consisits of the newest music of the time and therfore would consist of musci in fashion. This would appeal to my target audeicne of young aldults as they would want to be in tune with the latest rock fashions and music.

Colour Scheme
The colour schemes white black and grey, and white black and red, had equal amount of votes from the questionnaire. As a result i shall combine the two colour schemes into my magazine. I feel the colour scheme is sophisticated and therfore sutually targets a maturer audience like my target audience of 20-25 year olds. The contrast between the black and white allows the magazine to look more exciting and vibrant, and the red and grey allows splashes of colour to make the magazine look busier and stand out more. Whilst also following the typical convention of indie/rock colours.

I am going to use the font 'canard' for my magazine as it was the most preffered by my target audeince. Also i feel it is relatively small and neat so does not take too much attention off the front page, yet the rock vibe through the chisled look it obtains allows it to grab attetnion of the rock audience, and also helps the magzine to establish itself as a typical indie/rock music magazine.

Magazine Front Cover Design
I have chosen to develop my front cover design three, as i feel this is the most suitable for my target audience, and also the most prefferred from stastistics from my questionnaire. The full length image of the model would allow props to be used and a clear shot of the model. However the far away shot would decline the crucial eye contact needed from the model to establish a relationship immediatly. Therefore despite using a full length image i will esnure the eye contact from the model is still powerful.

Contents Design
I didn't feel the need to ask what contents design would be most preferred by the public as after analysing all there i clearly liked on from the rest. I have chosen to develop contents page design 2 as i prefferred it to my other ideas. I feel the sophisticated layout allows text to be followed and the contents to look appealing to an audience of 20-25 year olds who are young adults and would not probably want something to hectic. Yet i would still create youth through the pictures used and therefore create a fun and interesting contents as well as being neat and clear.

Double Page Spread Design
Again i liked double page spread design three the best after closely anaylsing it and therefore did not feel the need to receive the publics opinion. THe double page spread challenges the normal conventions and therefore creates a more eye-catching page that if readers or even one off buyers are flicking through they will stop and notice the page.

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