Sunday 9 May 2010

Double Page Spread Construction

Final Stage

For the final stage i noticed that if i was going to use images where the models legs are exposed in order to avoid any continuity errors i would need to also copy and paste the tattoos onto teh images at the bottom sides. I done this to provide continuity and a realistic product, i also deleted the bar that would be where the crease in the page was, as i had finished.

Stage 6
After developing my magazine i still felt like it was bland and did not have enough appeal to make an indie/rock music fan stop and taking notice to the page. As a result i added a red rectangle over the collage of the model and made the opacity very low. This really portrayed an art aspect to the magazine whilst making the page look more exciting and vibrant. I then added pictures from location one photoshoot as i felt like this needed to relate to the front cover and contents page. However i had to cut the striped background out as this would have looked out of place and took too much attention away from the main collage of images. I also thought the bar at the top looked rather pointless as it didn't have too much on it and looked boring, therefore i added a website address.
Stage 5

For this stage i took inspiration from the Q double page spread i analysed in which there was a large C in the background of the text representing Cheryl Coles name. I decided to use this technique as i thought the background looked bland and empty prior to the L being added. I made the opacity of the letter L a very low percentage using the opacity bar on photoshop so the text could easily be read on top. I felt this really enhanced the quirkyness of the page and was therfore effective.

Stage 4

For stage four i started to add the text. I used my chosen font again canard, to use a pull quote from the text as the title. I feel this stands out very well due to the way in which i have put the first line in black and the second in a larger red font. This creates the illusion that the good girl has been overruled by the bad one shown by the way the phrase 'gone bad' is overshadowing the behind text of 'I'm a good girl'. I then constructed an interview which i done using the typical questions which are usually asked in interviews. Using the text box tool i managed to create equal columns which is essential in making the text look professional. I then duplicated layers so the text columns were all of equal size. I used swear words within the interview to really emphasise that this magazine is for an audience of 20-25 year olds, and also that it is aimed at everyday people. As there is a relatively large amount of text on the page i decided to break it up by imbedding a pull quote from the text. As this says 'this is not the new me this is the real me' it compels the reader to read the interview as they will be shocked at this well known pop singer saying the real her is a bad rock girl. I also added a picture above the quote as the quote anchors it and makes it stand out. The picture presents the idea that the model is happy with herself creating a joyful aspect to the interview to break up the darkness due to the indie/rock theme.

Stage 3

For stage three i added all the images to make a sort of collage. As the images original had a green background i uploaded them up with their backgrounds first. But due to the green colour when putting it all together there was too much green on the page and i felt like it looked like it belonged to another magazine as it didn't follow my colour scheme. Therefore i cut out all the images using the magnetic lasso tool and create a somewhat collage effect. I positioned the photos so only a small part of one of the images would not be visible due to the crease in the page and therefore i felt this worked well.

Stage 2
For the second stage i added a heading at the top of the page saying world exclusive. I used red coloured font against a block background so it would stand out and effectively capture the consumers attention as they would feel special in that they are one of the first to read this exclusive interview. I then copied and pasted the masthead into the top right hand corner as i really wanted to emphasise continuity within the magazine and thought this was a good way of doing it as it doesn't steal attention away from the rest of the page. Using the indie/rock styled font i downloaded from 'da font' i wrote the main features name a nice idea to reinforce the emphasis of her to this page. At the bottom of the page i then to create a professional and realistic look added page numbers, the date and the name of the masthead.

Stage 1
For stage one of constructing my double page spread i sectioned it into columns using the rectangle tool on photoshop. I firstly used center line to clearly show where the crease in the page would be so i could position my text and images around this so there not seriously affected. I then constructed a bar at the top in which i could put the magazine title and name of the artist. I also constructed a bar at the bottom as this gives the page a more professional look. Then i copied and pasted a clip of the wall used from location one as a bar which would separate the images from the text. I done this to enroll the theme of that background into this double page spread to provide continuity.

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