Sunday 2 May 2010

Contents Page Design Idea 2

For my second contents page design idea i decided to use a smaller space for the actual heading contents so i could make space for more text and pictures to make to the contents look more exciting. Again a smaller section is used for the mast head also as a more mature audience would not necessarily need to have a big bold heading to want to read the magazine. At the top of the page there would be an image of the main feature to highlight the importance to the magazine and to reinforce the fact this picture was the main picture on the front page, a typical convention of the music magazines i analysed. Next to the image i would put a picture of the front cover, this was done in the Q magazine and i feel is a good way of reminding the reader what edition their reading, and also to again highlight the importance of the model/models on the front cover. Underneath on the left hand side there would be the text, not a lot so the page looks extremely boring but a suffecient amount to allow the readers to navigate their way around the magazine easily. The right hand side column would consist of images of some artists that are also involved in the magazine allowing the page too look more interesting and vibrant. By separating the page into clear columns allows the contents to appear more professional and sophisticated suitable for my target audience. Yet through images, language, fonts and colour scheme used i would target and grab the attention of my indie/rock target audience. At the bottom there would be a not from the editor, a definite thing i want to include in the contents of my magazine as i feel it makes the reader feel more welcome and in touch with the magazine, allowing the magazine to please the reader. I think that this idea is my favourite as i feel it provides a neat layout for an audience of 20-25 year olds to appreciate yet is also exciting and welcoming to the magazine.

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