Sunday 9 May 2010

Contents Page Construction

Final Stage

For the final stage i added an idea of my own, in which i added a key within the news bar saying on the cover with a star next to it. This is a good selling point as it allows buyers to pick out stories they may have seen on the front cover and navigate their way to them via this key.

Stage 5

For the fifth stage i added the editors note which consisted of a brief summation of what is included in the magazine and a friendly message to make readers feel welcomed. I also added a red box using the rectangle tool in the bottom right hand corner and added an advertisement which states 'subrcribe now for your weekly addition of M.E.T and save 33%'. This is an effective selling point as buyers will be interested and attracted in saving money.

Stage 4

For the next stage i added page numbers to each image as this was a typical convention in helping the reader to quickly navigate around the magazine. I also using another convention of a music magazine added a picture of the front cover to the top of the page to reinforce this idea of continuity. I think it also makes the page look more professional and realistic. I also made positioned this image at an angle as i felt everything at that point was to straight and need something else to make it look more interesting, yet not over the top as my target audience may want something more grown up, as oppose to a chaotic page aimed at a teenager.

Stage 3

After the text was done, i added all my images. I began by putting the main picture of my main feature in the top left hand corner so it dominates the page and emphasises its importance to the magazine. I then added the other pictures in the right column. On each photo using the burn tool i added highlights to the image to make them appear more airbrushed and professional. I also added an editors picture, i used a woman with a big smile on her face to represent friendliness to the reader. I decided to make this slightly slanted at an angle as the page needed something to make it feel slightly different and quirky. Also it allows the picture of the editor to be quickly identified as not a story within the magazine.

Stage 2

For the second stage of the construction of the contents, i added a heading using the rectangle tool again and then three more boxes to separate this text section. I then added text ensuring it was all lined up using a text box to ensure it looked neat and professional.

Stage 1

For the first stage i just added lines using the rectangle tool providing a layout for my contents page. I then cut and pasted the masthead from the front cover onto this page in order to provide continuity, then using the text tool added the heading contents in the font stencil to make it appear bold and dangerous. I then used the text tool again to print the date on the top black bar, and again at the bottom of the page where i also added the masthead and page number in the bottom right hand corner.

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