Tuesday 4 May 2010

Questionnaire Analysis

After creating a poll on my blog in order to gather results to see what ideas i could include in my magazine, it was evident that there was not a sufficient amount of people who were taking my poll. As a result i decided to construct a questionnaire to hand out to people of my target audience age in order to gather the best possible results for ideas for my magazine.

Results From Questionnaire And Poll
In total 30 people answered both my questionnaire with 9 answering my poll and i gave out 21 handouts.

What is Your Gender?
Out of the 30 people who answered my questionnaire, 14 were males and 16 were females showing that i should clearly aim my magazine at a unisex audience.

What is Your Age?
6 people were in teh age bracket of 18-20, 15 people at an age of 21-23 , 9 people at the age of 24-26 and 0 at 27+. The majority of people answering my questionnaire were of an age of around 21-23, showing me that i should construct a magazine that would appeal to this age group. This also gave me an incite to the type of people who was answering my questionnaire and therefore the rest of the information from the magazine would be helpful as i know that the majority of people who answered it were the age i chose initially for my target audience, and i would be gaining an insight to what they would like to see on a music magazine.

What is Your Favourite Type Of Music?
3 people answered RNB, 9 people for pop, 14 people for indie/rock, 1 person for hip-hop, 2 people for dance, 1 for other. As a result this again helped me to realize that i should definately construct an indie/rock magazine as this is clearly the most preferred music genre by 21-23 year olds. However the fact that a relatively large amount of people answered there favourite music genre as pop suggests i could include some pop artists within the magazine to add versatility and attract a larger audience.

How Often Would You Buy A Music Magazine?
No one answered Daily, 17 people buy weekly, 10 buy monthly, 0 buy annually, 3 people answered now and again and 0 people answered other. This showed me that the majority of my target audience (20-25 year olds and indie/rock music fans) buy magazines weekly. As a result in order to create a successful magazine i need to make it interesting so it does not get boring as it would be sold weekly. I will also need to make it a reasonable price if it is being bought weekly. In addition to this i could also advertise weekly deliveries of the magazine in order for buyers to save money.

What Attracts You To A Magazine?
For this question more than one option could have been selected. 3 people answered Colours used, 3 people answered images, 8 people answered model/models used, 5 people answered text, 8 people answered tag lines, 1 person answered name of the magazine, 6 people answered special offers, 3 people answered price and 3 people answered interesting fonts used. This showed me that the majority of people answered that the model/models used and tag lines are what attracts them most to a magazine. As a result i must ensure that i use a model that will appeal to both male and female audience and use several tag lines on the front cover to entice the reader to read the magazine further. Also special offers were also popular therefore i should ensure my magazine consists of deals or money saving schemes to do with the magazine. Further more it is evident that 5 people answered text attracted them to a magazine, this is probably due to the questionnaire being answered by a mature audience, so i will need to make sure i use text effectively on my front cover in order to attract a larger audience.

What Magazine Title Do You Prefer?
4 People answered headbanger, 18 people preferred M.E.T (music entertainment today), 6 people answered RUSH! and 2 people preferred ROCK N ROLL. After analysing this it is clear that the majority preferred M.E.T and therefore i will use this magazine title for my magazine.

Which Colour Scheme Do You Think Is Most Effective for An Indie/Rock Magazine?
5 people prefered the colour scheme of black red and yellow, 11 people liked black red and white, 3 people liked black red and blue and 11 people like black red and grey. It is evident from the questionnaire and poll results that the black red and white, and black red and grey are the most preferred colour schemes for my target audience. Due to the fact they are both equally preferred i could combine the two and create a colour scheme of black, red , white and grey.

Which Font Do You Think Is Most Effective For An Indie Rock Magazine?
2 people preferred font 1 showing that clearly this was not suitable for my target audience and my magazine.  8 People preferred font 2, 12 people preferred font 3 and therefore was the most popular voted by my target audience. 

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