Sunday 2 May 2010

Contents Page Design Idea 3

For this idea for the contents page design idea, i have the contents printed in large writing to allow it to stand out and show clearly that this is the contents page. The masthead and date is then printed smaller next to it allowing the contents to still look like its in the same magazine yet the masthead and date are both discrete to not distract the attention of the reader from the actual text and images on the page. The text is situated in columns at the top to create a neat and sophisticated look so to maintain the appeal of my target audience who would like a clear text area as they are of a mature age. However this neatness is contrasted with the bottom half of the page which consists of a slanted image of the main feature lying on top of other images of artists feature in the magazine. This creates a somewhat rebellious feel tot he page and is perfect for an indie/rock audience, however this may be more suitable for a target audience of teens as oppose to my target audience of 20-25 year olds. Then at the bottom of the page there is an advertisement, a good selling point to the magazine inspired from my analysis research in which NME uses advertising of saving money of the magazine. Advertisements like that compel more people to read and buy the magazine more regularly and therefore is a good factor in selling the magazine and making it appealing.

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