Monday 3 May 2010

Double Page Spread Idea 3

For this double page spread idea i used inspiration from the NME double page spread i analysed as i really liked that idea of the text being being separated from the images horizontally as oppose to vertically. The changes i would make would be to have the image/images going along the whole top of the page as oppose to NME who fill the right hand side with an image and the top of the left hand with the interview title. I feel that this double page spread layout provides an edgy look as it is different and unconventional of typical double layouts, yet it also still provides a neat page in order for the text to be focused on, but is not boring like my first double page spread idea. I would ensure again that the phrase exclusive is positioned somewhere clearly visible on my double page spread so readers will really want to read it. I would also inbed a q pull quote from the text as well into my interview, as this is a typical convention and would give a quick summation of what the interview is roughly about.

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