Sunday 9 May 2010

Construction Of Front Cover

Stage 6
I then finished the front cover off by adding essentials that make the cover look realistic. I added a pug consisting of 'top 100 rock anthems' appealing the the target audience as they would enjoy hearing about songs they like. I also added the essential barcode which is important in making the product look real, on top of this i added the date and price. However i felt that the bottom right hand corner looked bare for a front cover. As a result i decided to add headings advertising a quiz to further make the magazine look fun and appealing to the consumers.

Stage 5
For stage 5 i edited two tattoos onto the model. I done this by getting an image of off the internet and cutting out the tattoo using magnetic lasso tool and copy and pasting them onto the models body. I had too using the dodge tool brighten the tattoos up as they looked very dull against the models already brightened body. They then looked quite unrealistic so i, using the burn tool, made the outsides of the tattoos darker to give a realistic look. This in affect allows my model to look more rebellious and in tune with an indie rock look. I also was not happy with the way the blink 182 story was covering the models arm lowering her importance. I therefore cut out another version of her arm using the magnetic lasso tool again and pasted it on top of her arm matching it up. This gives the illusion the model is infront of this interview connoting that hers is more important to this edition of the magazine.

Stage 4

For the fourth stage of developing my front cover, i added several coloured boxes using the rectangle tool to add vibrancy and excitement to the page. I also did this so i could add the text needed for stories and tag lines on the coloured boxes otherwise they would not stand out if just printed onto the background as its striped. I made the name of the main artist the largest writing on the page and positioned it in the center so it is the one of the most noticeable things on the page. This therefore presuming my model was famous would attract a large audience of fans as it is clear the magazine is mainly based on her. For the good girl gone bad heading i made the boxes slightly more opaque using the opacity bar in order for them to stand out and look different against the other stories in the magazine.

Stage 3

As my image had a large amount of space around it to add the masthead i did not need the image to overlap the masthead anyway predominantly. However i wanted this to be perfect and realistic so i cut out the models hair and feather cape that was underneath the masthead using the magnetic lasso tool. I then copied this and pasted it on top of the masthead to give a 3d illusion and show that the model is very important in this edition of the magazine.

Stage 2
For the second stage in making my front cover i added the skyline using the text tool as this is a convention of a music magazine. As the adobe photoshop programme did not contain the fonts i wanted for my masthead i had to download this font canard off of a website called 'da font'. The masthead gives the cover a realistic feel as the font is so conventional of an indie/rock magazine.
Stage 1

This was the first stage of making my front cover. I firstly enhanced the brightness on the models face and body to make her really stand out using the dodge tool, this made the image appear glossy providing it with the professional look needed. I then using the rectangle tool to add a bar for the strapline and masthead. I decreased the opacity of these headings very slightly in order to again give a more realistic look as oppose to just a block colour.

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