Monday 10 May 2010

Evaluation Question 3: What kind of media institutuion might distribute your product and why?

The group that may consider distrubuting my product may be Bauer Media Group. They already distribute Q and Kerrang both indie/rock genre music magazines and who both share audiences who are serious followers of the indie/rock genre music. Further more, they are a very successful media institution which operate in fifteen different countries. They would therefore want to distribute a guaranteed successful media product which i feel through the use of versatility of music choices by which i have mentioned not just rock artists such as Lady Gaga and also more mainstream rock bands such as Kings Of Leon who are liked by huge fans. That would in affect attract one off buyers and a larger audience compelling my magazine to be a guaranteed success. However my product shares several similarities with the Q magazine such as, a similar colour scheme, a more mature target audience and versatile within the music involved in the magazine. This in effect could make Bauer Media Group not want to distribute my product as it is too similar to an existing media product and could lead to rivalry between the two magazines. Bauer would obviously stay loyal to a long running successful magazine as oppose to taking a risk with a new one.

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