Monday 10 May 2010

Evaluation Question 2:How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My final product represents indie rock fans which is portrayed through the typical rock colour scheme i used of black, red, white and grey. It is also portrayed though the masthead which looks as if it has been chiseled, this in affects creates a rebellious look to the masthead and is a representation of the stereo-typical behavior of an indie/rock music follower. Also i photoshopped two tattoos onto the model as i felt this would also portray edginess and rebellion again representing typical indie/rock fans. As my target audience is of an age from 20-25 i used a model who was a similar age of 22, this in effect allows the targeted age group to recognize that this magazine is something they will like. In the contents page i used pictures of live bands which effectively represents my target audience as the majority will relate to this image of a live band playing as they would have been at a gig like that, or even be in a band themselves. I am in no way biased or discriminative towards a persons race but I used all white models for my photography. This is due to the fact from my research i discovered white people are stereo typically associated with an indie/rock genre magazine where as a black person is conventional of an RNB music themed magazine. I ensured that images of both men and woman were used to present the fact the magazine is for a unisex audience.

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