Sunday 2 May 2010

Contents Page Design Idea

This idea for my contents page involves the heading contents to be situated right at the top in order for it to stand out and allow it to be clearly represented to the reader that this is the contents page. A smaller version of the masthead would be printed above to create a professional look and also an idea inspired from my music magazine contents page analysis. In the top right hand corner i have positioned a note from the editor so it is not dominating the page yet a nice way of allowing the team behind the magazine to establish a relationship with the reader. This also allows the reader to feel welcomed and part of the magazine and therefore more likely to subscribe or buy the magazine regularly and as a result a good selling point to a magazine, much like Kerrang! use in their contents page. I then have positioned the text and images within the contents page in an order with the first section consisting of the pattern text, images, text then the column below featuring an alternate order of images, text, images. This presents a quirky feel to the magazine suitable for an indie/rock audience. It also presents a more sophisticated feel to the contents in the fact it is in a precise order not just scattered around, this makes this contents suitable for my more mature audience of 20-30 year olds. The image of the main model/feature would be in the centre of the page to reinforce the importance of the model to the edition of the magazine.

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