Saturday 8 May 2010

Analysis of Photos 3

Location 3: For location 3 i decided to portray an arty side, very different to the other aspects of indie/rock i was trying to portray in the lsat two photoshoots. I chose to use this arty feel to the images as in my opinion, indie/rock music and stereotypical indie/rock fans are very art influenced in the way they dress, music they like and produce and make up worn. I also wanted to portray a more element of happiness within these photos as oppose to the two photo shoots before in which i wanted to portray sexy images with elements of attitude and darkness.I only took a few images with this shoot as i don't want the element of happiness to take over the story i just want it to be an additional side to the story to make it less dark, and therefore appeal to one off buyers also. With the use of the props spelling 'me' helps to anchor the message the magazine is trying to portray in that the story is about this artist revealing her inner self which stereo-typically several rock/indie music fans like to do as they feel they like to dress and look different from others and sometimes try to hide it. Therefore by having the model look happy with the props 'me' is compelling the reader to see the message that she is happy now she is being true to herself.
This image is good as the mise en scene portrays that arty feel, and the model is clearly portraying the message she is happy with herself for now being who she truly is (a follower of indie/rock music) . This is portrayed through the smile of the model. The only fault with this image is that the model looks slightly uncomfortable, and that is the wrong impression i want to give if i'm saying she is happy now she is being herself, this image is suttle suggesting she is uncomfortable being her true-self.
This is my favourtie image as the lighting is warm and portraying a kind side to the model as oppose to the other photo shoots with have a portrayed a more serious side. The fact the model is slightly smirking and looking down at the props creates the illusion she is happy with herself, which is the message i am trying to portray. Also the mise en scene looks really good through the use of newspapers, which add a quirky arty feel to the image.
This image is good as it shows the full body of the model. So it does bring some sex appeal to the image as the models legs are on show and bright red high heels, which is important to attract the male audience. However due to the positioning of the camera the models legs are the brightest things in the image making them stand out more then the models smiley face and therefore i feel this picture would not work.

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